Kenshin Gumi


Kenshin Himura, Rurouni Kenshin, Hitokiri Battousai; he is the main character of the story (could you guess?). Kenshin’s real name is Shinta. His parents died when he was young, and he became a slave. One day his owners were all killed by bandits. Before Shinta was about to be killed, a man named Seijuro Hiko saved him. He came back the next day, and Shinta had dug graves for his owners and the bandits. He trained him, and renamed him Kenshin (Sword Heart). He left during the training to protect people. He worked for the government, trying to push the change in eras. He was an assassin, and killed a man that was engaged to a young woman named Tomoe. She lived with him for a while, and they were to pose as husband and wife. Kenshin asked her to marry him, and she said yes. Kenshin was double-crossed, and was almost killed. While fighting, Tomoe jumped between Kenshin and a guy with a knife, he killed the guy and Tomoe. He then went into the Bakamatsu as a soldier for the Ishin Shishi. Ten years later he is a wanderer with a Sakabatou (Reverse Blade Sword) living with Kaoru in her dojo. He goes back to Kyoto to defeat Makoto Shishio after his rival, Hajime Saito, told him about it. He learns the final attack of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, and defeats Shishio.

Kenshin Himura

Kaoru Kamiya

Kaoru is the assistant master of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu. She thinks a sword is used to protect. She falls in love with Kenshin, and follows him to Kyoto, and they have a kid named Kenji.


Sanosuke Sagara

Sano was a member of the Sekihoutai (More on this in Souzo Sagara’s profile). He didn’t have a last name, so he took his leader’s. He became a fighter-for-hire, wielding the Zanbatou, a huge sword designed to kill a  soldier and their horse. He fought Kenshin for Gohei, and lost. He became friends with Kenshin, and lived at the Kamiya Kasshin dojo. He learns the Futae no Kiwami, and tries to help Kenshin beat Shishio.


Yahiko Myojin

The son of a samurai, Yahiko was “adopted” by Yakuza, and worked as a pickpocket. Kenshin says he is older on the inside, and full of pride (hey that rhymes). He is Kaoru’s only true student, Yutaro and that Sumo Wrestler don’t count. He can mimic other peoples’ attacks by seeing them a few times. He falls In love with Tsubame of the Akabeko.


Megumi Takane

Megumi is a medicine woman from Izu. Her boss made opium for Kanryu Takeda until he died, so Kanryu made her make it. Kenshin convinced her to live and repent for the people she killed, including Sanosuke’s friend. She constantly flirts with Kenshin to make Kaoru jealous, but I think she has a thing for Sano.


Seijuro Hiko

Seijuro Hiko, 13th master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, found Kenshin as a child, and trained him. After Kenshin abandoned his training, he became a potter and used a false name. He later teaches Kenshin’s son, Kenji, Hiten Mitsurugi.


Hajime Saito

Hajime Saito, former leader of the Shinsengumi’s 3rd squad, and Kenshin’s rival, lives as a policeman named Goro Fujita. He was called Miburo or the Wolf of Mibu. He uses the Gatotsu, an attack made up by Watsuki that was derived from the actual Shinsengumi attack, “Left Handed Stab”. He lives by Aku (Evil) Soku (Slay) Zan (Instant), or Slay Evil Immediately.


Tomoe Yukishiro (Himura)

Battousai killed Tomoe’s fiancé, and is used in a plot to have Kenshin killed. She was to be Battousai’s Sheathe. They lived together under the façade of marriage. Kenshin fell in love with her, and asked her to actually marry her. She agreed, but was killed by Kenshin when she jumped in the way of an attack. She gave him the horizontal slash of his cross-shaped scar. She has a brother, Enishi.